Hello, I'm Andy White.

The Man Behind Big Life Solutions

Hello, I'm Andy White.
The Man Behind Big Life Solutions

Big Life Solutions came from a flash of inspiration in 2000, and has gone through a powerful evolution, into a trailblazer in training and coaching. Our mission? To empower businesses and individuals to break free from limitations and achieve their true potential.

Small Beginnings. Big Vision.

I started small, like many of the businesses I work with. Big Life Solutions partners with people and companies from all walks of life, helping them thrive and grow.

At every stage of my journey, my unwavering commitment to my bold vision has been my guiding force. 

Many Hats. One Purpose.

Throughout my career, I've worn many hats. I’ve been a consultant, trainer, coach, mentor and much more. But, at my core, I’m a Change Architect, here to ignite your potential, break down barriers, and help you live the life you were meant for.

Big Life Solutions is dedicated to helping businesses and individuals break free from the limitations holding them back, chase their dreams with confidence and conviction, and unlock every aspect of their true potential.

Born from a flash of inspiration in 2000, Big Life Solutions has gone through a powerful evolution, into a trailblazer in training and coaching.

Small Beginnings. Big Vision.

I started small, like many of the businesses I work with, and I now strive to empower a diverse range of companies and individuals.  

At every stage of my journey, my unwavering commitment to my bold vision has been my guiding force.

Many hats. One Purpose.

Throughout my career, I've worn many hats. Consultant, trainer, coach, mentor. I've been called a visionary, advocate, pioneer, disruptor, catalyst.

These roles are just a fragment of the larger picture of what I do. At my core, I am a Change Architect. Dedicated to helping businesses and individuals break free from the limitations holding them back, chase their dreams with confidence and conviction, and unlock every aspect of their true potential.

I’m here to help you become everything you, and your business, are meant to be and I feel lucky to have the opportunity to do so.

From Disconnect to Purpose

Every word you just read above about me is true. But it only tells a small part of the full story.

For years, I had pursued the ‘dream’. I chased what I thought of as success: promotions, pay rises, and prestige. But deep down, I wasn’t happy. I was following someone else’s dream, not my own.

It was slowly killing me. Almost literally, as it turned out. The discontent rose, day after day, year after year, until, one day, it just spilt out.

Then, everything changed. In 2000, stuck in traffic, I envisioned a hillside coming alive with fire - a powerful metaphor for my purpose: to spark a generation into living a big life.

A Catalyst for Change, a Builder of A Big Life

A Firestarter

From that day forward I have promised myself that I will ignite change in individuals and businesses, helping them discover their potential and creating ripple effects of transformation, creating a truly big life.

A Revolutionary

As I pursued my calling and stepped into that life purpose I had seen unfold on that imaginary hillside, I saw injustice all around me. Therefore, no matter your circumstance or identity, I challenge the status quo, and help people to break free from societal expectations and live authentically.

A Revolutionary

As I pursued my calling and stepped into that life purpose I had seen unfold on that imaginary hillside, I saw injustice all around me. Therefore, no matter your circumstance or identity, I challenge the status quo, and help people break free from societal expectations and live authentically.

A Pioneer

Revolutions don’t just happen. Someone has to step up. I had to be that person. I guide businesses and individuals through uncharted territory, helping them create impactful visions and actionable plans.

A Visionary

The vision that drives my revolution forward is not so revolutionary, or even that bold. My ultimate goal is a thriving world filled with vibrant, purposeful people, innovative businesses, and flourishing communities.

In short: I want to create A GENERATION LIVING THE LIFE IT WAS MADE FOR. Let me help you build yours.

A Visionary

The vision that drives my revolution forward is not so revolutionary, or even that bold. My ultimate goal is a thriving world filled with vibrant, purposeful people, innovative businesses, and flourishing communities.

In short: I want to create A GENERATION LIVING THE LIFE IT WAS MADE FOR.. Let me help you build yours.

Get Your Free Copy of Stress Uncovered

Employees who are stressed take 2x more sick days than those who are not. Stressed employees are 2.6x more likely to leave their job. In the region of 17.9 million working days are lost to work-related stress, depression or anxiety every year. Poor mental health costs UK employers an estimated £56 billion annually. 

But how much do you know about the causes of stress? Or how it affects the mind and body? Or what you can do to help yourself and your team manage the stress you experience, so those stats don't become your personal and business reality?

Download a free copy of my book, Stress Uncovered and learn how to recognise, understand, tame, and manage stress.

To get your copy, simply enter your details below and click 'Download Now' to grab your copy.