Musings, Reflections, Insights, and Findings on Living a Big Life
Life is an adventure to be lived, not a problem to be solved. And adventures are messy, full of surprises, and (if you throw yourself into them) always lead to new discoveries and personal growth. My adventure into my Big Life is constantly revealing new truths (and lies) about what it means to truly thrive and flourish, and in this blog I capture, unpack and share those discoveries soĀ you can make use of them in your own adventure into living the life you were made for.
Legacy. It’s a word that’s been dancing in my mind for months. As it danced, so it...
After university, I trained as an accountant. But, while I trained to be an accountant, I...
All over social media - on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs - you name it - self-appointed...
In these strange days of a global pandemic, with its lockdowns, distancing, isolation,...
Let's talk about ownership. Not ownership of houses, or cars, or crap you don't need, but...
Have you ever had that dilemma of what to choose when you get passed that Christmas box of...
For the life of me, I couldn't see who he was pointing at. I peered through the crowded carriage,...
It's a memory that is forever burned into my mind. Looking back, it may actually have been the...
When I first start working with a coaching client, especially those who are looking for help to...
I sit down and take my seat at the conference room table. Looking around me, I see faces every...
Here's what I know about setting goals: not every goal you set, however SMART you may make it,...
To build the future that you want, you first must have a pretty good idea of what that future...