Insights, Reflections, and Inspiration for Living a Big Life

Life is not a problem to be solved but an adventure to be embraced. Adventures are unpredictable, messy, and filled with opportunities for growth, discovery, and transformation. My journey into living a Big Life continues to spark revelations about what it means to thrive and flourish.

In this blog, I delve into practical insights, personal reflections, and actionable tips to help you unlock your full potential and create a life that feels truly authentic and fulfilling. Here I hope to provide vital information on how to navigate lifeā€™s challenges, embrace your unique journey, and support you in living the life you were meant for.


Legacy. It’s a word that’s been dancing in my mind for months. As it danced, so it...

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Life is not a formula

After university, I trained as an accountant. But, while I trained to be an accountant, I...

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Look back to move forwards

All over social media - on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs - you name it - self-appointed...

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Define your own reality

In these strange days of a global pandemic, with its lockdowns, distancing, isolation,...

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Who owns you?

Let's talk about ownership. Not ownership of houses, or cars, or crap you don't need, but...

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Life is like a box of chocolates

Have you ever had that dilemma of what to choose when you get passed that Christmas box of...

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Carpe Diem, and all that jazz

For the life of me, I couldn't see who he was pointing at. I peered through the crowded carriage,...

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Why your values matter

It's a memory that is forever burned into my mind. Looking back, it may actually have been the...

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How to escape the ideas trap

When I first start working with a coaching client, especially those who are looking for help to...

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Three words that changed everything

I sit down and take my seat at the conference room table. Looking around me, I see faces every...

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The secret art of setting goals that matter

Here's what I know about setting goals: not every goal you set, however SMART you may make it,...

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It's not just beauty that's in the eye of the beholder

To build the future that you want, you first must have a pretty good idea of what that future...

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