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Designed with you in mind

You are unique.  And your hopes, dreams, challenges and obstacles are uniquely yours.  Which is why I designed E3 with you in mind.

And, with a structure that is robust enough to provide a solid framework to work within, but flexible enough to be tailored to meet your needs exactly, E3 is not 'just another coaching programme'.  It is your coaching programme.

Dig deep into your hopes and dreams. Discover the 'why' that lies behind the 'what'.  Design the future you truly want.

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Equip yourself with the awareness, knowledge, and skills to make the future you truly want a living, breathing reality.

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Embrace the support and community woven into E3 to empower you to fully embrace the full potential of the adventure that lies ahead.

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Built by you, for you

The E3 Programme is built by you, for you. There is no pre-designed formula, an already prepared strategy, or even five simple steps to anything you set your mind on.  Instead, we sit down together and explore what it is that you want to achieve in the aspects of your life that truly matter to you.

Armed with a full picture of your aspirations for the future, you identify what sits right at the core of those aspirations: the one thing that you most long to achieve; the one thing that, when it’s in place, will see you reach your full potential.

From there, together we design your bespoke E3 Programme.

A programme tailored to your aims and objectives. A programme that will move you from where you are today to where you want to be.  A programme designed to deconstruct every element of the adventure between your present reality and the future you envisage, reveal a clear pathway towards the outcome you want, and provide a roadmap to equip and empower you to make that outcome you dream of a reality.

Putting you at the centre

Central to the E3 Programme is one-to-one coaching.  Using over twenty years of experience of delivering coaching, I work with you to help you discover your dreams, establish goals to achieve them, identify and overcome obstacles along the way, and create a foundation that will stand the test of time as you build the future that you truly want.  This is not about what I - or anyone else - think or would do.  This, my friend, is all about you.  

Growing with others

An essential element of the E3 Programme is Group Coaching.  There is real power in entering a coaching space with other people.  People who are on their own unique version of the same journey as you are on.  People who become a mirror to help you reflect, and a telescope to help you see far ahead.  In the group coaching sessions, you will build on all you achieve in your one-to-one sessions and magnify it exponentially.

Extend your capabilities

Online courses packed with video lessons, workbooks, guides and more will allow you to explore key topics that will underpin your personal growth, and equip you for the road ahead.  Explore your mental fitness, your approach to goal achievement, self-care, relationships, behaviour, values, strengths, and self-talk at your own pace.  Go all in, or dip in and out - the choice is yours.  But, however you choose to access the online training, this element of the E3 Programme will be integral to your success.

Help when you need it most 

The E3 Programme lasts far beyond your final coaching sessions.  Throughout the 12-months of your programme, you have access to me, during office hours, through accountability calls and check-ins.  Which is great.  But I won't just cut you loose once you have completed your programme (unless you want me to, of course).  As an alumni of the E3 Programme, you will have ongoing access to webinars, a private facebook group, all of the online training I offer, and more.

So, how do you join the E3 Coaching Programme?

Any coaching programme worth its salt will not offer you a 'buy now' option.

And that's why, with E3 there is no 'Buy Now and You Are In' option.

Enrolment in E3 is competitive,

  • Strictly limited places  - a maximum of 20 places for each intake
  • There are two enrolments each year - one in April, and one in September
  • Enrolment is by way of application, and applying in no way guarantees acceptance

Why limit numbers, and why insist on applications instead of simply running a first-come-first-served 'buy it now' approach?

Well, let me explain why I do it this way.

E3 is a two-way commitment.  And it's a significant commitment.

It's hands-on, not hands-off

Yes, there are some self-directed elements in the programme, but, for the most part (and even with the self-directed parts) you get me.  I'm all inInvested in you.

And in return, I expect you to be every bit as invested.  If you aren't, not only will it be a waste of my time, but you won't see the results you want, and it'll be a waste of your time, and your money.  And that's no good for either of us.


So, if you want to be the first to know when the doors open for applications to the E3 Programme, simply pop your details in the form below and join the waitlist.  Or, if you want to find out more about exactly what the E3 Programme is all about, scroll down a bit and click the 'Let's Talk' button to book yourself a free, no obligation, sales-pitch-free call with me.



Click on the link below to set up a time for a no obligation, no pressure chat to explore what you are looking for.  Or even simply to connect and chew the fat a little.

Let's Talk